Thursday, 16 August 2012

Relationship between Chappathi & Crow

Most of the conventional family, they serve first part of their food to crow, as a representative of 'Pithrus' (i.e our forefathers / mothers). People feel very happy, if a crow happened to eat it immediately.

In this process, whenever, I happened to serve Wheat Chappathi to crow....believe me...the crows, just love it. They come in very high group and take each and every piece of it.

This observation, made me to think, more in detail and analyse to spot, possible root cause behind it.

Crow is known to be representative of Saturn. Wheat(light brown grains) is known to be the representative of Sun. Generally, we prepare, Chappathi or Poori, by using Wheat.

We know, Lord Saturn is son of Lord Sun. But Sun cared more about Saturn's brother, not Saturn. However, Saturn was so keen on his father Sun. To get his father's love, Saturn, went ahead and done lot of prayers...which made him to become, has planet.  Thereafter, Its a history.

This love of Saturn, can be seen as Crow's attraction over Wheat Chappathi.

If you do not believe it, please try it yourself. Thanks.

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