Thursday, 6 September 2012


What is Chandrashtama? 

When a kid takes birth, the raasi where moon travels, is known as Janma Raasi. From Janma Raasi, if we count 8 raasi, in clock-wise direction, then, Chandra ashtama raasi can be identified. For an example, if a kid, takes birth, when Moon is at Katakam(Cancer), then Janma raasi of the kid is Katakam. The Ashtama Raasi for the kid is Kumbam(8th raasi, in clockwise direction). Based on movement of planets at real time, whenever moon travels across Kumbam, the kid will have Chandrashtama.

What's the impact of it?

During these days, then general effect is "Weaken your Strengths & Strengthen your Weakness". Generally, we will have enough disappointments, upsets, drawbacks, negative surprises etc.

How should we manage the situation?

Generally, recommended practice, try to be defensive than to be offensive. Avoid risky activities. Minimize new initiatives. Try to be calm, conscious, and clear.

Why do we undergo such situations?

Moon - identified as Manas, Love, Body, Social Conscious. 8th place known to be hidden place.
If moon travels in ashtama raasi,
                  (a) Manas - our manas goes out of control. Not able to concentrate.
                  (b) The focus of love, gets directed to incorrect source.
                  (c) Body becomes, weak, and quiet prone for any diseases.
                  (d) Our social image could be challenged.

1 comment:

  1. Very good. Simple, clear and non-technical explanation about Chandrashtama. Thank you, sir. You may consider explaining all aspects of Astrology for the understanding of laymen.
